The new competitiveness 4.0 index prepares countries to gear up for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Pakistan's Performance on the Global Competitiveness Index 2018
The World Economic Forum released the Global Competitiveness Report 2018 this week. The Report has adopted a new methodology for measuring Competitiveness 4.0. by including indices which represents more knowledge and digital-based ecosystems.
The World Economic Forum released the Global Competitiveness Report 2018 this week. The Report has adopted a new methodology for measuring Competitiveness 4.0. by including indices which represents more knowledge and digital-based ecosystems.

Amir Jahangir, CEO Mishal Pakistan and the
Country Partner Institute for the Future of Economic Progress System
Initiative, World Economic Forum, said “the new methodology has been able to
capture the business dynamism and innovation capability of Pakistan and has
helped the country in achieving significant gains, however the factors for
enabling environment and the human capital have also identified the
competitiveness gaps in the economy”. He further said, “Pakistan as well as India
demonstrate the region’s lowest levels of technological readiness, confirming
the challenge for large emerging economies to fully integrate their entire
population, especially those living in the most remote areas into modernization
Pakistan has also shown significant
improvements in collecting the soft-data through the Executive Opinion Survey,
with a sample size of 629, Pakistan represents the second largest contributor
to the Competitiveness 4.0 Index after India.
On the 12 Pillars of Competitiveness, among
140 countries, Pakistan ranks at 109th on Institutions, Infrastructure (93),
ICT adoption (127), Marco-economic stability (103), Health (109), Skills (125),
Product market (122), Labour market (121), Financial system (89), Market size
(31), Business dynamism (67) and Innovation capacity (75).

Among the South Asian nations India is
leading at 58, with Sri Lanka 85 and Bangladesh at 103 and Nepal at 109.
According to the report, which in 2018
uses a brand new methodology to fully capture the dynamics of the global
economy in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, many of the factors that will have
the greatest impact in driving competitiveness in the future have never been
the focus of major policy decisions in the past. These include idea generation,
entrepreneurial culture, openness, and agility.
The new tool maps the competitiveness
landscape of 140 economies through 98 indicators organized into 12 pillars. For
each indicator, using a scale from 0 to 100, it indicates how close an economy
is to the ideal state or “frontier” of competitiveness. When combining these
factors, the United States achieves the best overall performance with a score
of 85.6, ahead of Singapore and Germany. The average score for the world is 60,
40 points away from the frontier.
One unifying theme among the world’s most
competitive economies is that they all possess considerable room for
improvement. For example, while the report’s Global Competitiveness Index finds
that Singapore is the most ‘future-ready’ economy, it trails Sweden when it
comes to having a digitally skilled workforce. Switzerland, meanwhile, has the
most effective labour for reskilling and retraining policies and US companies
are the fastest when it comes to embracing change.
One of the report’s most concerning findings
is the relative weakness across the board when it comes to mastering the
innovation process, from idea generation to product commercialization. Here,
103 countries score lower than 50 in this area of the index which is topped by
Germany, followed by the United States and Switzerland. “Embracing the Fourth
Industrial Revolution has become a defining factor for competitiveness. With
this Report, the World Economic Forum proposes an approach to assess how well
countries are performing against this new criterion. I foresee a new global
divide between countries who understand innovative transformations and those
that don’t. Only those economies that recognize the importance of the Fourth
Industrial Revolution will be able to expand opportunities for their people,”
said Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum.
Openness must be complemented by inclusion
At a time of escalating trade tensions and
a backlash against globalization, the report also reveals the importance of
openness for competitiveness. For example, those economies performing in
indicators that denote openness such as low tariff and non-tariff barriers,
ease of hiring foreign labour and collaboration in patent application among
others also tend to perform well in terms of innovation and market efficiency.
This data suggests that global economic health would be positively impacted by
a return to greater openness and integration. However, it is critical that
policies be put in place to improve conditions of those adversely affected by
globalization within countries.
A key message from the report is the need
for a broad-based approach to raising competitiveness - a strong
performance in one area cannot make up for
a weak performance in another. This is especially true when it comes to
innovation: while it is true that a strong focus on technology can provide
leapfrogging opportunities for low and middle income countries, governments
must not lose sight of ‘old’ developmental issues, such as governance, infrastructure
and skills. In this light one worrying factor thrown up by this year’s Index is
the fact that, for 117 of the 140 economies surveyed, quality of institutions
remains a drag on overall competitiveness.
“Competitiveness is neither a competition
nor a zero-sum game—all countries can become more prosperous. With opportunities
for economic leapfrogging, diffusion of innovative ideas across borders and new
forms of value creation, the Fourth Industrial Revolution can level the playing
field for all economies. But technology is not a silver bullet on its own.
Countries must invest in people and institutions to deliver on the promise of
technology.” Said Saadia Zahidi, Member of the Managing Board and Head of the
Centre for the New Economy and Society.
About the Global Competitiveness Index 4.0
methodology Building on four decades of experience in benchmarking
competitiveness, the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 is
a new composite indicator that assesses the set of factors that determine an economy’s
level of productivity—widely considered as the most important determinant of
long-term growth. The GCI 4.0 framework is built around 12 main drivers of
productivity. These pillars are: Institutions, Infrastructure; Technological
readiness; Macroeconomic context; Health; Education and skills; Product market;
Labor market; Financial system; Market size; Business dynamism; and Innovation.
They comprise 98 individual indicators.
Centre for the New Economy and Society The
Report is part of the World Economic Forum’s Centre for the New Economy and
Society, which aims to build dynamic and inclusive economies in an era of
accelerated technological and political change, providing leaders with a
platform to understand and anticipate emerging economic and social trends and
to adapt policies and practices to our rapidly evolving context. A significant
portion of the Centre’s work focuses on shaping frameworks for fostering growth
and inclusion, including an accelerator for industrial policy and
competitiveness in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The Centre is also
supporting developed and emerging economies in setting up public-private collaborations
to close skills gaps and prepare for the future of work as part of its human
capital agenda. Finally, the Centre acts as a test bed for exploring the
emerging contours of the new economy, including rethinking economic value,
investment strategies for job creation, new principles for the gig economy and
new safety nets.
The Global Competitiveness Report’s new
methodology also offers insights into economies’ readiness for the future,
social capital, endowment of disruptive businesses and debt concerns, among
other indicators.